Caprodisic Capsule
Caprodisic Capsule
(Simulating Sexual Desire And Enhancing Performance) In the Modern world many individuals under Stress and Strain become Sexually Neurasthenic, Sub-healthy and Functionally Impotent. Such individuals complain of Impotency i.e., complete absence of Erection and Inability to perform the Sexual Act or diminished Sex Desire accompanied by Feeble Erections. Caprodisic is an Excellent Sexual Stimulant and Enhances Vigour and Libido.
Product Description
Vajeekara (Aphrodisiac)
INDICATION Vajeekara (Aphrodisiac) COMPOSITION : Each capsule contains extracts of :
Sl.No. | Botanical Name | Sanskrit Name | Qty in mg |
1 | Buteamonosperma | Palasa (Bark/Seed) | 30mg mg |
2 | Asparagusadscendens | SafedMusli (Root) | 65mg |
3 | Asteracanthalongifolia | Kokilaksa (WholePlant) | 40mg |
4 | Withaniasomnifera | Asvagandha (Root) | 45mg |
5 | Asphaltum | Shilajit (Exudate) | 55mg |
6 | Mucunapruriens | Kapikacchu (Seed) | 45mg |
7 | Alliumsativum | Lashuna (Bulb) | 30mg |
8 | Myristicafragrans | Jatiphala (DriedSeed) | 30mg |
9 | Puerariatuberosa | Vidari (Tuber) | 30mg |
10 | Tribulusterrestris | Goksura (Fruit) | 30mg mg |
11 | Excipients&Preservatives | - | q.s. |
One capsule three times a day or as directed by the Physician.
60's Capsule in a Jar
- Caprodisic is a Sexual Stimulant
- Enhances the Vigour and Libido.
- Helpful in Treating Premature Ejaculation
- Effective in Increasing sperm count
- With its Powerful
Ingredients Acts as All In One Solution for Male Sexual Weaknesses.