Brief On Ayurveda
Ayurveda, the Indian system of medicine- has two parts- “Ayu & Veda”,
Which indicated “life” & “science”-hence the meaning “Science of Life”. Ayurveda is traditionally eternal & hence no beginning, this is said because it has been impossible for man to find the time of its origin, but can be tracked back over 6000 years. Ayurveda is not confined to medicine alone but encompasses the total sweep of “Life-Sciences”. It continues the quest for understanding life. Hence an “Inexhaustible Science of Life”.
A lot of changes / adulteration have been made over the centuries, information of this science has been damaged/lost during various foreign invasions. Ayurveda has also been the victim of misinterpretation made by various scholars of the subject. A significant part had been salvaged, .which today, is being utilized to it utmost potential for harmony of mind & body leading towards progressive cohesion. Ayurveda deals with longevity & rejuvenation.
Ayurveda has eight branches that range from “General medicine, Surgery, Toxicology to Paediatrics etc. Ayurveda is based on the theory of Tridoshas- “Vata”. “Pitta” & “Kapha”, also called the “Biological humors”, These forces are produced in the body due to the combination of one or more of the following five elements i.e., Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether and hence there exists a natural harmony between the Universe and the Man.
The mode of treatment, under the “Modern System of Medicine”, are based on the symptoms of the affected parts. Under the principles of Ayurveda individuals are treated as a whole i.e., it has a patient-oriented approach. Rather a “Person” than a “Case”.
The principles state that the diseases are caused due to the imbalance of the Tridoshas. An important message of Ayurveda is health cannot be provided or delivered.It had to be practiced by “Swastha-Vritha” (i.e., Healthy Conduct) and “Sad-Vritha” (Moral & Ethical Conduct) explained in Ayurveda.
Season Herbs and Mineral are also classified as per Tridoshic characters and actions. Following the simple rules of conduct and behaviour in relation of food , exercise, sleep, personal cleanliness to “maintain positive health” and having proper nutrition, exercise healthy life-style and to learn to cope up with stress in the daily lives. These are the basis emphasis in Ayurveda.
Currently there is a public interest all over the world in Alternative Medicines. This only shows the urgency in comprehending AYURVEDA and its time-tested remedies to eradicate diseases and to live life fruitfully. Because very soon AYURVEDA is going to be the Global Medical Science because of its rich life principles and its therapeutic approach eliminating the diseases and resorting health.
Inaccessibility to doctors, poor communication between doctors & patients, excessive prescribing and high cost of treatment and the potential dangers of adverse effects of modern medicines, all these are paving way of AYURVEDA to have a global effect because of its safe and efficacious remedies.
The therapeutic approach in AYURVEDA is not of suppressive mode but to eliminate the diseases, cleanse the system, restore health and improve immunity.
Whatever the precipitating causes, every disease involves both body and mind, which are inter related. And the unique feature of AYURVEDA is great stress is laid in the mind control.
“All wars begin in the minds of men, so also the quest for health and peace begins there”.
Adding this ethical and moral dimension to health is a unique approach in AYURVEDA.