CL-Respogran Granules-50 gms (Pack of 2)

CL-Respogran Granules-50 gms (Pack of 2)

Breath Easy

Pack of 2 Nos of 50 gms

(Respiratory Support For Natural Breathing.)
Erratic weather conditions, Air Pollution and Poor Immunity is making Respiratory diseases a challenging disorder to treat. It is very troublesome and interferes with day to day activity. CL Respogran granules is a complete Herbal Respiratory Care, Safe & Effective in all age groups. It helps maintain a healthy respiratory function and fights infections.


Product Description


Svasa (Dyspnoea), Kasa (Cough), Pratisyaya & Peenasa (Common Cold & Rhinitis), Swarabheda (Hoarseness), Tundikeri (Tonsillitis), Galashundi (Uvulitis) and other Respiratory disorders.


Each 15gms granules contain powders of :

Sl.No.Botanical nameSanskrit nameQty in gms
1Cinnamomum camphoraKarpura (Crystals)0.03 gms
2Cinnamomum zeylanicumTvak (Bark)0.46 gms
3Myristica fragransJatiphala (Fruit)0.46 gms
4Syzygium aromaticumLavanga (Clove)0.74 gms
5Piper nigrumMaricha (Fruit)1.10 gms
6Piper longumPippali (Fruit)1.10 gms
7Zingiber officinaleShunthi (Rhizome)1.10 gms
8Adhathoda vasicaVasaka (Leaves)1.10 gms
9Ocimum sanctumTulasi (Leaves)1.10 gms
10SugarSita6.61 gms
11Excipients & Preservatives q.s.


Adults: 10-15 gms twice daily after food. Children: 5-6 gms thrice daily, preferably with Milk or Honey or as directed by the Physician.


Pack of 2 Nos of 50 gms


  1. Effective in Treating Upper and Lower Respiratory Tract Infections.
  2. Powerful Bronchodilator as well as Expectorant.
  3. Beneficial in Infective as well as Allergic Conditions of Respiratory tract.
  4. Preventive as well as Curative in cases of Long Standing Respiratory disorders.
  5. Treats Cough and Cold Effectively.
  6. Beneficial in Treatment of Recurrent Tonsillitis.

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