Hepavet Powders
Tones up Liver
Although the liver works "behind the scenes", it is also one of the largest and most important organs in the body. It performs more than 300 functions, and helps some of your other organs do their jobs. Majority of the living beings are Prone to one or the other liver Diseases atleast once in their lifetime. Liver diseases in Livestock usually presents with Loss of Appetite, Icterus, Fever, Lack of Activity etc., Liver Diseases can never be left untreated as it becomes life threatening. HEPAVET acts as a tonic not only in treating liver diseases but also in preventing Liver Diseases and improving immunity and well being of the animals. HEPAVET is a Polyherbo-mineral Formulation beneficial in managing Hepatitis, Aflotocxicosis. Reducing general debility and Weaknesses.
Product Description
Kamala (Jaundice/Hepatitis), Aflatoxicosis Vydhikshmata (for better body resistance), Kheena (General Debility), during Convalescence after Liver Diseases.
Each 10gms Contains:
Sl. No. | Botanical Name | Sanskrit Name | Qty in gms |
1 | Coriandrum sativum | Dhanyaka (Seed) | 2.00 gms |
2 | Withania somnifera | Ashwagandha (Root and Leaves) | 3.00 gms |
3 | Farula alliancea | Hingu (Gum Resin) | 2.00 gms |
4 | Cuminum cyminum | Jeeraka (Seed) | 2.00 gms |
5 | Heerakaseesa Bhasma | Heerakaseesa Bhasma | 1.00 gms |
- Corrects Liver Dysfunction
- Restores Liver to normal Healthy Function
- Treats Jaundice, Hepatitis, Aflatoxicosis and general debility due to Liver Dysfunction.
- Builds up body resistance and helps to promote growth.
- Protects Liver against hepatotoxins due to drugs and Diseases.
- Tones up Liver Function, Improved Appetite and Digestion.
- Treats Constipation