Digevet Powder
As the say “All diseases begin with the Gut”. Hence it is important to have a Healthy Digestive system for a Healthy living. The digestive process in Animals begins with the prehension or taking up of food; continues with its mastication (chewing), insalivation (mixing with the salivary secretions), deglutition (swallowing), and then digestion, absorption, and assimilation of those food elements and nutrients followed by Defecation. DIGEVET powder ensures that your cattles are Blessed with Healthy Digestion and Well being. DIGEVET Promotes salivation and release of right amount of Digestive enzymes & Gastric juices for Proper assimilation of the Food Consumed. DIGEVET ensures that the Cattle are devoid of any Digestive issues and Feeds well.
Product Description
Udara (Gaseous and Frothy Bloat, Tympany), Udarashoola (Colic), Impaction, Aruchi (Anorexia), Amlodgara (Dyspepsia), Ruminal Stasis, Debility, Agnimadhya (Irregular appetite).
Composition: Each 10gms Contains:
SL No | Botanical Name | Sanskrit Name | Qty.in Gms |
1 | Ricinus communis | Eranda (Panchanga) | 1.5 gms |
2 | Sida cordifolia | Bala (Root) | 3.0 gms |
3 | Cyperus pertenuis | Musthaka (Root) | 2.0 gms |
4 | Heerakaseesa Bhasma | Heerakaseesa Bhasma | 0.5 gms |
5 | Peucedanum graveolens | Misreya (Seed) | 1.0 gms |
6 | Ptychotis ajowan | Ajamoda (Seed) | 1.0 gms |
7 | Cuminum cyminum | Jeeraka (Seed) | 1.0 gms |
a. Corrects and Restores Normal Ruminal Movements.
b. Tones up Liver Function to Improve Digestion.
c. Stimulates Salivation and Production of Digestive Juices in Gastro Intestinal Tract for Proper Digestion of Feed.
d. Offers Comprehensive Treatment for Frothy and Gaseous Bloat and Restores Norma Digestion.
e. Is Anti-Spasmodic, Carminative and Antacid.