Hairich Oil
Hair Oil
HAIRICH OIL provides nourishment to hair follicle and enhances hair growth by local application.The ingredients of Hairich oil also treat many disorders of hair. Hairich oil, by virtue of its efficacy has been well accepted by customers.
Product Description
Khalitya (Alopecia), Palitya, Keshapathana (Hairfall), Darunaka (Dandruff) and Smrti Dourbalya.
Each 100 ml contains powders of :
Sl.No. | Botanical Name | Sanskrit Name | Qty. in gms |
1 | Boswellia wahru | Kunduru (Gum resin) | 1.20 gms |
2 | Celastrus paniculata | Jyotismati (Seed) | 1.20 gms |
3 | Eclipta alba | Brngaraja (Leaves) | 2.00 gms |
4 | Hibiscus rosa sinensis | Japa (Flower) | 4.40 gms |
5 | Indigofera tinctoria | Nili (Plant) | 1.20 gms |
6 | Myristica fragrans | Jatiphala (Fruit) | 2.00 gms |
7 | Carum carvi | Krsnajiraka (Seed) | 1.20 gms |
8 | Ocimum sanctum | Tulasi (Herb) | 2.00 gms |
9 | Phyllanthus niruri | Bhumyamalaki (Whole Plant) | 1.20 gms |
10 | Picrorrhiza kurroa | Katuka (Root) | 1.20 gms |
11 | Tectona grandis | Saka (Leaves) | 1.20 gms |
12 | Vernonia cineria | Sahadevi (Herb) | 1.20 gms |
13 | Prunus amygdalus | Vatadha Taila | q.s. |
14 | Cocos nucifera | Narikela Taila | q.s. |
Use 10-15 drops of Hairich oil and gently apply the oil on the scalp in a circular motion, using the finger tips. Retain oil on the scalp for at least 20 minutes. In severe cases, regularly massage with warm Hairich Oil at least twice a day
Bottle of 100ml
- Stops Hair Fall, Prevents Premature Greying and Promotes Hair Growth.
- Controls Dandruff and Ensures the Hair Growth.
- Promotes Natural Sound Sleep, Calms down Mind and Improves Memory.