Capronorm (Formerly Thyrocap) Capsule
Thyroid Care
Thyroid diseases are arguably, among the commonest endocrine disorders worldwide. Both men and women of any age group can suffer from Thyroid malfunction. Capronorm is an Effective Safe Herbal Remedy and a New ray of Hope for those suffering from Thyroid disorders.
Product Description
For Galaganda, Malfunctioning of Thyroid Gland (Hypothyroidism) and its Associated Disorders.
Each 500 mg capsule contains powders of :
Sl.No. | Botanical name | Sanskrit name | Qty. in mg |
1 | Crataeva nurvula | Varuna (Bark) | 63 mg |
2 | Asparagus racemosus | Satavari (Root) | 15 mg |
3 | Acacia catechu | Khadira (Heartwood) | 23 mg |
4 | Dasamoola | Dasamoola (Root) | 23 mg |
5 | Trikatu | Trikatu (Fruit) | 35 mg |
6 | Triphala | Triphala (Fruit) | 35 mg |
7 | Cinnamomum zeylanicum | Tvak (Bark) | 23 mg |
8 | Cinnamomum tamala | Tvak patra (Leaves) | 11 mg |
9 | Withania somnifera | Asvagandha (Root) | 35 mg |
10 | Bacopa monnieri | Brahmi (Whole Plant) | 23 mg |
11 | Bauhinia variegate | Kancanara (Bark) | 107 mg |
12 | Commiphora wightii | Guggulu (Exudate) | 107 mg |
Two Capsules twice daily or as prescribed by the Physician.
10*10's pack
- Acts as a Thyroid Stimulant.
- Reduces the Weight Gained due to Thyroid Malfunction.
- Regularises the Menstrual Cycles and & Cleanses the Genito Urinary System.
- Diuretic and Anti-Inflammatory in action helps Cure Edema.
- Restores the Lost Vitality and Energy Levels.
- Enhances Skin and Hair Tone
- Safe and Effective: For long term usage.