Arjit Liniment Spray
Instant Pain Reliever
Arjit Liniment Spray is a modern presentation of traditional Ayurvedic Liniment having analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Extremely useful in treating pain and inflammation of Musculo-skeletal system and hence extensively used by sports personnel.
Product Description
Sandhivata (Arthritis), Sandhigatavata (Osteo-Arthritis), Kati shoola (Lumbago), Sandhi shoola (Joint Pains), Greeva stamba (Cervical Spondylosis), Mamsagata shotha (Muscular Inflammation).
Each 5ml contains :
Sl.No. | Botanical Name | Sanskrit Name | Qty in gms |
1 | Astercantha longi folia | Kokilaksha (Whole Plant) | 2 gms |
2 | Astavarga Quatha Choorna (Bala sahacharadi Quatha Choorna) | Astavarga Quatha Choorna (Bala sahacharadi Quatha Choorna) | 2 gms |
3 | Maha yogaraja Guggul | Maha yogaraja Guggul | 3 gms |
4 | Maha Rasnadi Quatha Choorna | Maha Rasnadi Quatha Choorna | 3 gms |
5 | Cymbopogon Citratus | Kattrna Taila | q.s. |
6 | Sesamum indicum | Tila Taila | q.s. |
7 | Hydrocarbons | q.s. |
External use only.
83 gms Cannister
- Is an Effective Analgesic & Anti-inflammatory.
- Gives Instant & Quick Pain Relief.
- Is Safe and Non-Irritant to Skin.
- Highly Beneficial in Sports Injuries and Joint Pains.